"What are #COVIDー19 Models Modeling?" A new piece of mine is up on @TheSocietyPages https://thesocietypages.org/specials/what-are-covid-19-models-modeling/ I've read a fair amount of confusion about the different aims in different models, so thought some differentiation might be useful.
I want to thank @anacrgomez, @CT_Bergstrom & @_MichellePoulin for helpful comments on pulling that one together!
Also thanks to @e_hernandez8 for a tweet over the weekend that identified a good home for this idea that was in the works.
Something that I should have added here, rather than leaving it mostly implicit is that there's currently decidedly too much uncertainty to be relying on a single model. I'm concerned by how much the media seems to be converging on leaning solely on the IHME model.

cc: @maddow
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