Are you ready? 🤝

Quote tweet only ‼️
1. Describe your quarantine in three words 👀
2. Churches worldwide have now gone online. Quote tweet this with your online fellowship 🤩
3. Tell us the song you’ve been putting on repeat lately 🥶
4. What has been your favourite Instagram live so far and why? 🙏🏾

- A Christian could be edified through your suggestion 🥺
5. Tell us the first thing you’re going to do when this is all over 👀
6. What’s one thing you’ve learnt about God in this season?
7. Name two Christian YouTubers you’ve been watching (or binging 😅)
8. Now that we are reading the Word more for ourselves, we are starting to identify certain things.

- What topics do you think the Church should speak more on?
9. Tell us a Christian event you were looking forward to that got cancelled 😳
10. When was the last time you talked to God about EVERYTHING 😭

(We’re talking tears, speaking in tongues, the whole lot)
11. What do you think will change in the Church after this is all over?
12. You’re in lockdown with one person from the Bible. If you could choose, who would it be? (Apart from Jesus 😉)
13. Has your walk with Christ improved/declined in any way?
14. Name one thing you like about Christian Twitter 🤝
15. Has there been a time you felt fear because of what’s been going on? How did you overcome it 😇
16. On a scale of one to ten, how much do you miss Church 😔
17. What verse has been getting you through this season? 🕊
18. Do you prefer weekly or daily worship/prayer lives? 🤔
19. If you could give any advice to a Christian who stumbles into sin because of boredom, what would you say? 🗣
20. First song you’ll listen to for thanksgiving when this is all over?
You can follow @IAMBECAUSEHE.
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