sorry if y'all don't want to read this, but i think it needs to be said. this isn't a hate tweet towards army in general, as you all seem to think everything is, this is just what i've observed. if you don't want to read, then don't. not my problem.
again, this is not directed towards all army. most of you are wonderful, inclusive people who make great friends. this is directed towards the 1% of you who think bts is some sort of higher power who can do no wrong.
any tweets that even begin to make any comparison of bts with another, equally talented group, seems to set this 1% into a frenzy, and army points their fingers at the 'offending' account and simply says 'sic 'em'. i don't know if this is you defending your boys in a weird +
+ simply ineffective way, or if you truly believe that bts is the only group out there capable of making good music, dancing well, or even existing next to bts. yes, we understand that bts is often seen as more successful that our faves.
i understand that you know bts is successful and seem to covet that fact with your life. i do not understand why every time someone speaks their mind or has a 'hot take' comparing one group to bts, that you take offense to it.
if this 1% could just learn to be just as inclusive as the other 99% of army, then maybe this thread wouldn't exist. maybe all of the threads calling out this 1% wouldn't exist either. i am in no way saying that this 1% is made up of terrible people who want to see the world burn
and most of them are simply a bit star-struck. i understand that and i can relate to it on some level. so please, to the 1%, try to be a bit more inclusive and accepting of other people's opinions. that's it.
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