Watching Sander Supporters and the Clinton/Biden supporters spar these last 5 years, calling eachother idiots and insulting each other mercilessly I'm truly surprised how many of them think theyre in the same party. They're clearly not no matter how big the dems say the tent is.
like, if Sanders had won the nom (which was never gonna happen btw) I can't say I can see any or many democrats committing to voting for him. I feel like they'd say he's not a democrat and they'd never vote him and stay home. I think some would even vote for Trump too.
I mean this is one of a jillion examples of the limits of the two party system. idk, maybe they would go out and vote for Sanders but I'm pretty sure that the Clinton/Biden dems woulda dug their heels in no matter what they say publicly.
I was one of those vote blue dems for 18 heads years and like most of them saw 3rd party candidates as irrationalists who just needed to come to Blue Jesus. I would have never voted for Sanders but I also know the party would never let it happen so I didn't need to worry.
I'm telling you, Sanders supporters, your dude never had a chance with the democrats. Never ever. The democrats pulled the wool over your eyes if they gave you the sense that Sanders ever had a chance.
Leave this party & party politics. They're evil, selfish oligarchs who only serve the elite while sounding the alarm that they're the only viable alternative to republicans. But they're all in bed with each other and they work to uphold this evil empire.
Sanders is implicated in this too.
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