There is only limited choices black & brown people have in where the average person has in living conditions & food. The USDA has a subsidy buget 67% of which goes to support farm animals, 30% goes to feed grown for those animals, 2% for legumes & beans, 1% for fruits & vegetable
It explains why one can get a cheeseburger at McDonalds for $1.15 & an apple costs $2.00. A diet richer in fruits & vegetables & whole grains is healthier & costs more in $ & in prep time & no. of trips to the store adding to the overall cost. So that's the food part. Redlining
by banks destroys neighborhoods. Destroyed neighborhoods put fewer property taxes into local coffers which support public schools. Poorer schools become that pipeline to prison. America has not invested in traditional black & brown communities means lower incomes. Lower incomes
mean poorer diets, schools, medical outcomes. Racism also contributes generally to more hypertension & reduced life expectancy. Medical care is less likely to help. We need to address redlining by banks, the budget of the USDA, exercise, higher incomes from increased
opportunity or we shouldn't be surprised that COVID-19 is hitting communities of color harder.
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