My wife works with a team of researchers @UofStThomasMN (including @vivaldojenkins) doing work that documents and maps #StreetArt.

They are working now to track examples of street art ( #murals, #graffiti, #stickers, etc.) addressing #COVID19 throughout the world. 1/n
Have you seen examples of #COVID19-related #StreetArt where you live?

If so, you can contribute to a crowd-sourced data collection project that can help document the emergence of urban art that speaks to and about the #Pandemic.

Please send images of #COVID19 street art (e.g., #murals, #graffiti, #stickers) along with this basic information (street address, nearby landmark, coordinates, date of image) to [email protected].

Additional information (artists, specific people depicted, stories told through art, etc.) about the #COVID19 #StreetArt that you document and can send along are very welcome!

Signal boosts for this thread/call for examples of #COVID19-related #StreetArt, especially by folks who are #Artists (like @FADLABIHIMSELF, @chucku612, @billythebutcher) or who know artists (like @ChromaZoneFest or @wacchicago1), would be a big help! Thanks in advance! 6/6
You can follow @DCBPhDV2.
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