if you’re not voting for biden because of the allegation that came out, that means you’d rather keep a racist, xeno/homophobic man with 22 open allegations against him in office than vote for a man with 1 allegation to take his place. get your head out of your ass.
it’s shitty progress but it’s progress nonetheless. if you throw a tantrum, there won’t even be any shitty progress. as a sexual assault survivor, i know it’s an awful decision to make, but it is demeaning generations of people who fought for women/POC to have that civic right.
one sexual assault allegation is still hellish, and it makes me sick to my stomach to say this, but one is better than twenty two. not good, not okay, but definitely fucking better.
with bernie gone, there isn’t hope of true political or societal evolution in this presidential election. but there is hope for a slight shift in the right direction if we can just get this absolute cad out of office.
unfortunately, biden is the way to do that.
so fucking vote.
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