I'm gonna give you all a scenario here, bear with me ok?

Two lesbians meet.

They are attracted to each other.

They make out.

Hands start wandering....

One of them is a trans lesbian. The cis lesbian goes "oh hello, that was unexpected".

The trans lesbian stands there...
... she's NERVOUS and quite possibly terrified of bad reaction because she's not the fucking monster transphobes would have everyone believe.

The two grown ass lesbians have a chat about it like two grown ass women and decide where to go from there.

The end.
Why u all have to make a bigger deal out of something that will probablyy NEVER happen to about 99% of u all is fucking beyond me. Just mind your own damn business & let trans folks live. If you meet a trans person a end up here, just have some respect, talk about it like adults.
I wrote it this way on purpose because it's the EXACT argument transphobes keep directing at my cis lesbian ass while they're trying to "protect" me from the *evil transes*. It's bullshit & they need to get over it.

Also, the trans women I actually know r EXTREMELY upfront so 💁🏽‍♀️
OBVIOUSLY Not all trans women have a penis.

I also hate writing these tweets about trans women's junk but here I am, again, becuz transphobes use these kinds of scenarios to spread hate.

Transphobes make me sick. You're all extremely pervy and you need to stop so I can stop.
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