1 I wanted Bernie to win. I voted for him in 2016 and in 2020. His 2016 campaign fundamentally changed my political views and general views on many things in American society. Biden wasn't my first choice, or my second, or my third. However, since Donald Trump took office, there
2 has been an alarming increase in anti-Semitic attacks across the US and a surge in white nationalist beliefs in general. Trump did little to respond to the 2017 Charlottesville Unite the Right incident. He failed to condemn Richard Spencer doing a sieg heil while
3 shouting "Hail Trump" in front of a group of white nationalists just days after Trump's election.
4 Joe Biden is far from a perfect candidate and I disagree with him on many fronts, but if nothing else, vote for him to help curb the spread of white nationalism, which Trump has, in all reality, enabled.
5 Obviously, you have the right to not vote. I won't hold it against you if you don't, but every day Trump is in office is another day closer to another synagogue, black church, etc. getting shot up.

I kindly ask you to reconsider if you're not planning on voting.
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