BUT ALSO: Sanders was never the magic savior man that White people made him out to be.

The longer we attach platforms to personalities, the longer it will take for a progressive platform to win.
The Sanders coalition is not large enough to win a primary. Regardless of my own feelings, that remains the case. Sanders failed to convince Black voters in the South. Every endorsement lost was met with derision and not asking what to do to win them over

That isn't organizing.
Don't kowtow to moderates, ofc. But when you have a population that SHOULD be receptive of the message and they don't like the messenger, then the messenger needs to shift. The message needs to be more inclusive.

Bernie is a politician, not an organizer. That's the rub.
Ditto for Warren and Castro. Castro was prolly the best organizer among them but lmao his entire base was Extremely Online Wonky Twitter Leftists Who Don't Like Sanders And Are Not Fans Of Populism. Like that's four podcasts worth of people.
Warren just picked the WORST possible lane and never got off. She sunk her own campaign and frankly, even if 100% of her supporters flipped to Biden, Sanders would still have lost. Her base was just not that big.
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