This Is Really Happening!

Remember the scene in Rosemary’s Baby when Rosemary comes to that realization while in the depths of a “dream” that she is being raped by Satan?
You too may have had that nightmare-suddenly-become-reality experience. A sudden horrible medical emergency or injury right in front of you, possibly a child or other loved one? Maybe it was in the moment just before the horrific crash you can’t avoid.

This Is Really Happening!
For all the time since Nov 8th, I have tried to push that panicky thought out of my head, but like the scream in the dark, it just keeps bubbling up.

This Is Really Happening!
I would wonder what it would be like to actually go through some of the really Bad Times in history - the plague, the holocaust, the civil war, the Trail Of Tears, the Armenian genocide. I anticipated the cold clench about the heart when I’d realize...

This Is Really Happening!
With all of you, I’ve watched as our government’s skill and expertise has been taken apart; as our allies have been pushed away; as our diplomatic infrastructure has been dismantled; as our law enforcement & courts are corrupted; as our intelligence community is neutralized.
And now, after all the destruction that three years of malevolence amplified by incompetence has wrought, we have a plague that is intentionally being used to weaken us further, to move us further off the global stage, to enrich the wealthy, to consolidate oligarchic power.
And increasingly I lie abed at night, staring into the darkness, worried sick for myself, my family, my neighbors, my nation, thinking...

This Is Really Happening!
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