To be honest, I genuinely don’t know why people are surprised Bernie dropped out. I did kinda th ink he was gonna ride it out and MAKE the party choose Biden but y’all are lunchin if you don’t see that the Democrats are doing exactly what they were doing in 2016 (continued
It was always gonna be Biden for the Dem nomination the second people started treating him like electing him was somehow gonna be “a return to the Obama days” which was incredibly early on. I’m gonna be real wit y’all though; (continued
In 2016,I felt like Trump was gonna win bc people weren’t taking the fact that he was a goofy ass candidate seriously and there was gonna be enough people voting for him to be funny. I was living in California when they did the same shit with Schwarzenegger as governor (continued
And progressively as a Trump Presidency has worn on, I’ve felt like no matter the outcome of a 2020 election, it wasn’t gonna matter; he wasn’t gonna give up the position. That there was probably gonna be further accusations of election tampering but more refined (continued
Than in 2016, or we were gonna get into yet another needless war and try to compare himself to FDR and use that as a foundation with which to justify serving more than two terms, or was just gonna be bold as brass about it across the board and give some (continued
Barely thinly veiled reason his handlers come up with for why we weren’t gonna have elections anymore. And do I hope I’m wrong? Yes of fucking course I do; I don’t love the idea of getting murdered by the state and I’m on multiple axises of fucked in that department (continued
But also I’m trying to be realistic. People told me I was wild for thinking Trump would ever win in the first place or that we’d go into another fucked up no-reason war too. You would think with how he’s handling covid19 and us in another Depression (continued
That more of his fanbase would have second thoughts but those people are brainwashed to all hell and they were like that BEFORE he ever took office. You cannot reason with someone who genuinely thinks Trump is a leader appointed by their god. You just can’t. (Continued
Anything he fucks up is “blown out of proportion by the opposition” or an attempt by the opposition to “bring down” their “god appointed” leader, which automatically makes the opposition anti-their god; and anything anyone does right is immediately (continued
Contributed to him even when he had nothing to do with it—like reaping all the benefits of the policies Obama put in place that really started seeing returns after he left office. There’s no reason to ANY of this tbh. If the system worked at ALL, (continued
Which it emphatically doesn’t, we’d never be put in the position to have to chose between two different kinds of out of touch sexual assaulters in the first place. Maybe I’m just being really pessimistic and I genuinely hope I am but I really don’t think so (continued
I really don’t. Not with how throngs have been going and not with the mountain of vague Dear Leader type statements that have come out of Trump in the last four years. And honestly, I don’t wanna hear not one “we survived Reagan/Trump before, we’ll survive this” (continued
Because I don’t know how to remind you that TOO MANY PEOPLE DIDN’T. The AIDS crisis and the crack epidemic? Right now with peoples literal lives hinging on whether or not they’ve written their GoFundMe well enough to pay for necessary medications and care? (Continued
I’m sick of liberal platitudes about sticking together and surviving when half em can’t even do that first part bc their too mired down in their own brand of liberal flavoured White Supremacy and classism. Lissen. If you think I’m being bleak or overreacting here, (continued
Lemme tell you something. My girlfriend and her family are Jewish. WAY too much of her family on both sides were wiped out by the Holocaust and it was only the fact that some of them got out before it was too late that she’s even existing right now. I say this because (continued
A theme of conversation between us and with her parents a lot is; “how do you know when to leave?” When is “bad enough”? And we don’t know, ultimately. She and I are between a rock and a hard place in terms of leaving the country for various reasons that (continued
Would be lessened if she just left when she could and left me here, but she won’t, much to my deep frustration. It’s not like I WANT to be stuck here ifwhen things get to the point I need to leave but, the aforementioned rock and hard place Reasons SEVERELY limit (continued
My ability to go anywhere without some really specific circumstances even if she and I got married (and if we got married, that actually presents another set of problems) but I’m saying all this bc I want to let my friends/followers who keep “we’ll survive this”ing (continued
Know how fucking SERIOUS your friends of colour and other affected friends and loved ones are feeling this environment. Racist, Antisemitic, and Islamaphobic violence is HIGH and there’s more of us than you think who’ve shifted conversations from (continued
“How can we get the country back on track” to “when do we know to leave” and the worst part is the kind of violence we’re trying to figure out when we should bail from is GLOBAL in many, many ways and instances. It’s more like “where is gonna give us a fighting chance” (continued
Versus “where is safe” because there isn’t really any place that is but I know good and damn well that the US is getting more and more unsafe which is such a wild and horrific thing to witness because this country has NEVER been safe for A LOT of people (continued
This whole thread has been really meandering and I apologize for that but I didn’t really have any aim other than to get my thoughts out tbh. I don’t have a solution. I don’t think there is one if we’re forced to work within the boundaries the system has set (continued
The system has a vested interest in its own survival and it’s been designed this way from the jump. I don’t know what to do and I know I’m not the only marginalized person who’s just fuckin anxious and scared all the time specifically about shit going on politically and socially
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