Ok does everyone see what's going on here? There are a few things happening... let's review:

1. The deep state and #FAKEMEDIA (but I repeat myself) are putting Trump(and in reality America as a whole) in a lose/lose situation. They keep screaming that the virus is horrible...
...and the country needs to be shut down in order to prevent millions dying, but with the economy shutdown more and more people are being put at risk due to unemployment, lost of income, not being able to get needed supplies, etc. And so whether he keeps the economy closed or...
...tries to open it up he'll get blamed either way.

2. Congress and especially dems have passed enormous spending bills with absolute garbage in them unrelated to the virus and so now their brilliant idea is to start an investigation into where the money is being spent? WTF...
3. A promising drug is out there that shows nothing but good news in destroying the virus but dems and the media are attacking Trump for this??? Are they idiots you may ask? Yes. They are. They care more about blaming Trump for ________, than working together to solve the...

4. And of course the tried and true weapon of Libs/Dems... rewriting of history. Anyone that has a memory span of more than 2 weeks knows that Trump and his administration did what they could in the early days to mitigate these effects. And recall how he was...
...called racist, xenophobic, a fear-mongerer. What were those same people doing at that time? Arguing about witnesses in their sham impeachment.

Look everyone. It's time to put your big-boy/big-girl pants on and make a decision...
...Either you choose to be a Democrat and believe in the media's lies or choose to be an American.

At this point you can't be both.
Ok I'm going to continue this thread with more media insanity.

So this is looking more and more along the lines of the Russian collusion hoax.

Media and pundits claim models are showing "millions dead".... I mean "hundreds of thousands dead".... I mean "our models aren't...
...that reliable or important"

Hospitals are basically empty

The patients that are seen in some hospitals are getting paid lots of money to classify diagnoses as "covid-19". Even if they weren't tested.

Surprisingly numbers are showing lots of Covid-19... no screw that...
...CHINESE VIRUS deaths, but what's that... there has been an unprecedented drop of all other manner of death?


Can we stop pretending that this lockdown is due to a mild virus? Can we please start using our brains and see the obvious truth...
...something bigger is going on whether you want to admit it or not. Millions or people already know the truth.

President Trump and the Patriots are in control and are cleaning out the deep state. They know it too. They are freaking out. But nothing can stop what is coming.
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