So many people have so much to complain about. Looking to always place blame on something/someone other than yourself is a weak mindset and shows major lack of character. There are things that happen outside of your control. All you have is how you react and go on hence forth
Spending time by myself, books, and individuals I find positive influence in has shifted much of my mindset. I used to be so much angrier, I used to bottle up so much more, and most importantly coped I’m extremely unhealthy ways that has affected my life and others around me.
And a lot of what I learned and still learning is to not always have anger, hate, or judgement be the forefront of my reactions. But to be aware, open, and empathy that a person can be in your shoes via versa.
My uncle always told us “When you go to point fingers and blame on others, just remember there’s 3 more pointing back at you” Always thought it was clever, but as I got older the more I found an excuse to blame. A little more weight was added on my shoulders to carry.
I’ve lost a lot of that weight but have much more to go. Much of this has been bouncing in my head and seeing so much negativity pushed it out of me. Happy to anyone who read thru. Not long, but reflective for me. Open to any conversations if it’s a subject you have interests in!
In short: yeah I cry more, yeah I sigh more, but at least I’m a bit happy and not so angry anymore
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