No hidden pic’s in plain sight..2 Pelicans back to back...Pelicans are Kingpins in Human Trafficking..hmm...2Pelicans..could [they]be on stage together before the World in the bioweapon created plague? Imo Yes!👇🏻
Ok so just going to go here: A pelican that is grey & pink..hmm...look where they live (R these the human trafficking routes) also known as “decoys” for fishermen...Do we have a decoy here to prevent the fishermen from catching the perps?...hmm..
Ok connect dots...Solemani death photo..this is what initially led me to investigating idea of Pelicans as Kingpins in human trafficking...there were many hidden pics in death photo..this in intel letting the world know we shutting you down & coming for you...💥🇺🇸
Well, well, well,... The Californian and Eastern Brown Pelican...the Eastern has dark belly and few red..hmm...DIVES for FOOD...think dive,dive,dive Rig for Red...submarine shipping involved in human trafficking
...Natural Habitat in Sanibel Island..How close it that located to Broward County FL?🤔...meanwhile, sub carrying cocaine busted in 9/24/19 in Jax FL🤔👇🏻I remember one sub near Broward surfacing or being located as “found” last year as well but can’t find article..
Hmm..they tuck wings into a “W” & dive like Kamikaze planes...hmm.....was JCoMey signaling the Pelicans to dive, dive,dive when he tweeted Judas blossom tree (cherry blossom- sign of Kamikaze planes)?or bring a TET offensive-like war to East Coast? Or both?🤔👇🏻
H/T for. Putting these together..let’s take a look with frame of reference “Pelicans”...
Pelicans in plain site on scarf and word Rocail....look it up..leads to a Pocket Watch..just like the White Rabbit’s Picket Watch.”Time is Running Out” is the signal!
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