Sanders was never going to bring down capitalism, but it's ok that people are sad & pissed off at this squandered opportunity for some basic survival level reforms. It's ok that people are bitterly rejecting platitudes about unity from a party that spent years shitting on them
Whether you think we shouldn't forgo electoral politics, or you think we shouldn't validate ruling class power via elections, I think it's pretty clear that the Sanders campaign gave American political demands a good shove to the left, radicalized some, and taught the left a lot
Generally, I personally believe that attempting to reform a capitalist party is tilting at windmills, for the very reasons we saw during the campaign- when rich people own both print and cable news, its almost impossible to get fair coverage of the guy who wants to tax them
But the Sanders campaign planted a progressive spirit in a generation of young, working class, multi-racial organizers. I've watched some of them become radicalized, to branch out into their communities outside of the campaign as well. That's something.
Occupy had issues, but it was the vehicle that eventually brought me to socialism. It was my introduction to political possibilities I'd never even considered before. It connected me with other activists in my community. The Sanders campaign will have been that intro for some
Anyways, one way or another the left is feeling demoralized, and even tho we aren't ideologically cohesive sometimes we should be supporting each other like our survival depends on it
I'm balancing momming and angry tweeting so I'm not as articulate as I'd like to be but hey, if you're a progressive, a socialist, an anarchist I love you and I have solidarity with you.
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