I didn't know about that but it makes so much sense (re: Flesh Eating Monster). https://twitter.com/valerieCG/status/1247940250242027525
Interesting thread. https://twitter.com/noemiette/status/1247943910334312451
I was also wondering if there might be another aspect to it, which is that fat people require more medication. A lot of people have been self-medicating with paracetamol (per official recommendations) to deal with light fever for instance. But we need more.
(note that there are current restrictions on how much paracetamol pharmacies can deliver... restrictions NOT relying on such factors as weight/efficiency, by the way)
But what do you do when symptoms impact you harder, because medication can't help you mitigate them ? Well, your case probably gets worse, doesn't it ? Not a doctor, but that's the things I was thinking about.
(and of course I'm NOT even talking about the fact that a lot of doctors don't remember to increase doses for treatment when dealing with fat patients, which might or might not be happening once people are in the hospital... Can't assume, won't assume, still keeping it in mind)
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