So I just wanna make it real clear what the choice in the 2020 general election is going to be between, in detail, because a lot of people don't seem to understand WHY people wouldn't want to not vote for Biden. It's not just a spite vote, there are actual logical reasons not to.
On the issue of the Supreme Court:

Currently, the Supreme Court is 5 to 4 in favor of conservatives. The only justices likely to retire or die soon are liberals—preserving that 5 to 4 is the best case scenario. We are fucked no matter who wins on this issue.
Any serious presidential candidate needs to come up with a solution to the Supreme Court. Biden is not going to do that. Biden dismissed Anita Hill so conservative justice Clarence Thomas could coast to his appointment. Clearly, he doesn't have an issue with conservative justices
On the issue of kids in cages:

Everyone seems to know about Trump's policy of sticking immigrant children in cages, but what many people don't seem to realize is that this was happening under Obama's presidency as well. It very likely will continue under a Biden administration.
On the issue of getting progressive policies passed:

It seems like a lot of people think that Biden would be willing to work with progressives to pass our policies.

No, he wouldn't. He has explicitly said he would VETO Medicare 4 All were it to pass through Congress.
Biden is going to staff his administration with Wall Street crooks, and has already announced his plans to do so openly, who will have a lot of sway over what does and doesn't get past his desk. He is going to staff his White House with the primary enemy of progressive policies.
On the issue of sexual assault:

This one is a very obvious issue with Biden—the yet-to-be-reckoned-with claims of sexual assault levied against him by Tara Reade. A Biden victory would cement the Democratic party as a party apathetic to the plight of sexual assault victims.
On the issue of 2024:

Now, with all that being said, would Biden be better than Trump on certain issues? Yes, absolutely. He wouldn't be *openly* xenophohic, although his policies would be, and he would likely re-institute protections for Dreamers, among other things.
But consider this: Biden would be a one-term president. He would not be a good one, at that. So come 2024, after four years of Biden, when Biden declines to run again due to health concerns, his stink will have rubbed all over the party.
Now, what usually happens after a centrist Democrat loses power? The Republicans seize control, capitalizing on the apparent incompetence of conservative Dems. So following four years of a conservative Democrat, we would be getting four to eight years of ANOTHER open fascist.
That's EIGHT TO TWELVE YEARS of conservative policy, with minimal progressive gains. We have ten years to aggressively halt carbon emissions, or it's game over for us. We're on a time crunch, and every term we go without a progressive leader is another term closer to apocalypse.
Now what's the likely outcome if Trump wins? Given term limits, there would be no incumbent to run against, so the Democratic base would no longer be voting based on intense fears of a second Trump term, leaving the door open for a progressive candidate to take the nomination.
That progressive would most likely win, and give us four to eight years of progressive leadership. That would come out to four years of conservative policy followed by four to eight years of progressive policy—not so apocalyptic.
Is this conjecture? Somewhat, but it's conjecture founded on the past few decades of historical precedent, and it's a strong enough case for people unwilling to support Biden to have a meaning to their madness, even if you don't agree.
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