Imagine being PRETTY pretty. Like...imagine looking so good that you can take thousands of selfies and post them all because you're just THAT pretty. I'm not even remotely confident in my appearance and seeing pretty people on Twitter lowkey makes it worse-
I've never compared myself to others but I do it a lot these days and it sucks. Idk why. I think it's because I wish I was photogenic but I'm really not. I slap on some makeup and take 50+ selfies only to upload 4 of them and even then I'm not confident.
I hate my face, I'm really not that pretty irl, I hate how my eyes are uneven and my teeth are fucked and my lower jaw is really far back and my nose is like a pig and my lips are just disgusting and I have a double chin and a big forehead etc.
I also hate my body. My arms are way too skinny and look super long, my chest is just pathetic, my hips are super square and my knees are so gross. My feet are fucked and I have gross hands and my posture is terrible.
I hate my voice and my speech problems. I'm way too loud and I constantly mess up words and struggle to speak clearly. I have an ugly laugh and can't sing. My voice isn't pretty unlike other people's voices.
I hate my personality. I'm so loud and dramatic but I also fucking hate people and annoy people because I usually tell them when they're bothering me. I'm not a social butterfly and I never fit in anywhere. I act like I'm cool and funny online but irl I'm a lame piece of shit.
I hate my hair and how it never looks good. I hate how I overheat and so even if I style my hair, I sweat and it ends up looking greasy within a few hours. I hate how no clothes ever look good on me as I can't afford nice clothes that would.
I hate literally everything about myself and so I struggle to take compliments and so people think I'm being insincere when I respond to them or if I say "stfu I'm not pretty" then they think I'm saying that for more attention. I'm not. I just don't believe that I'm pretty.
People compliment me online because I only post the pictures I want you to see. If you saw me irl, you'd think I'm hideous. I'm pretty much never complimented irl and rightfully so. I'm not pretty, I'm not feminine, I'm not confident and I'm not happy with myself.
I just need to vent and I deleted my rant acc so I'm posting this on here. You guys can ignore this thread as y'all usually do. Most of my tweets don't get interactions anyway so I don't mind posting this one as nobody will probably see it anyway. Sorry.
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