"Some policy issues where Biden disagrees with them" is a massive understatement. https://www.currentaffairs.org/2020/03/democrats-you-really-do-not-want-to-nominate-joe-biden

But also: I do not want Joe Biden to lose to Trump. He NEEDS to beat Trump. I wanted Clinton to beat Trump. But I don't know how we're supposed to make a compelling pitch. https://twitter.com/mattyglesias/status/1247935016895746050
I'm really being asked to spend from now until November saying "Yes, I believe the Democratic candidate sexually assaulted a staffer, and yes he says he has no empathy for you, and yes he has promised to stuff his cabinet with Wall Street ghouls, but please campaign for him."
"...And yes he helped launch the Iraq War, the worst and most murderous US policy of the century, and yes, he lies constantly about single payer healthcare as well as all of the rest of his record, and yes, he seems totally incompetent, and yes, he will do nothing, but PLEASE..."
"...Okay, YES, he's in the pocket of lobbyists, and yes, he's a creep you wouldn't leave alone with your daughter, and yes he said he was a Civil Rights activist who did sit-ins, and yes he wrote the PATRIOT Act, and yes he helped create mass incarceration but HEAR ME OUT..."
"Okay yes I would ordinarily say that rape is disqualifying and yes Biden is everything wrong with Democratic politics, and okay, sure, he might cut Social Security as part of some Grand Bargain, and yes he thinks white supremacist segregationists are good people, but wait..."

And hopefully, because they don't want Trump to win, they will crumple and will, depressed and uninspired, drag themselves to the polls to pull the lever for a guy they hate.

But this is not going to be easy, is it?
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