So here’s my truth about living with a painful disability and everyday life, school, and etc: A thread.
I have what you call, rheumatoid disease. Some call is rheumatoid arthritis. But it’s not the same as the arthritis your granny gets at old age. Rheumatoid impacts more than joints.. it impacts organs, joints, and brain.
I’ve been diagnosed with it for a year and some change now, and it has rocked my world since.
What it is is more than just freaky joints. I have a hyperactive immune system that mistakes and attacks itself. Attacks my joints, my organs, my brain.
Due to this, I have a tendency to swell up in different part of my body as a result of the inflammation that is followed by stiffness and the inability to use my hands, turn my head, and even walk. These are my worst days.
My worst days are pretty bad, and there is immense pain in everything I end up doing and I can’t help but do nothing but stay in bed. When school was in session, I simply would even show up. A lot of my teachers insinuated I was a faker lol.
I’ve also been called a slacker, a no show, and lazy by people at Spelman who didnt have the consideration to simply ask me what’s up.
To alleviate my symptoms and slow down my immune system, I take 7 pills a day. One of them is the now popular hydrocholorquine thats been helping Covid patients. Kinda getting hard to get my prescription for it. But it’s w.e. Taking my medicines make me immunodeficient.
This, means right now, if I catch the coronavirus, I will be up shits creek without a paddle. So I am saying to many of you all, please take transmission seriously. Most of you guys are staying inside but let’s flatten the curve as much as we can
Anyways, as a student at Spelman, I do my best to stay on top of my academics and it can be tough. There’s days where I can’t hold a pencil. Days where I can’t even move my legs. Sophomore year, my gpa suffered from it. I’m now finally recovering from that drop in grades.
So I came to ultimately say, those who turn your nose up at other students due to your assumptions, please know you are not aware of neither their conditions, their situation, nor mental state. Keep that in mind before you throw a stone from a glass house.
To many of you who know me or have met me in any way, know I never speak on it. Some don’t even know about it. I didn’t make this thread to gain pity. I make this thread for girls like me who persevere silently.
Therefore if there are others similar to my condition or not reach out if you need someone to talk to if you need to talk, vent, or w.e. During these trying times. I’m here.
You can follow @venus_vibes.
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