LOVE to see a guy w/ a Twitter bio explicitly opposing "excessive government intervention" write on triage protocols that disproportionately kill disabled, old, poor & racialized people w/o mentioning health funding, adequate housing or protections for workers who can't distance
Look, I know complaints about the stuff a single story doesn't do are annoying but this story is part of a pattern in COVID coverage and it's unacceptable, especially when Freep journalists I generally support are asking us to subscribe to the paper in a time of financial need
If you are writing about triage protocols for COVID and you're not talking to disabled people or looking into the funding and managerial decisions that led to the current level of beds, equipment, and staff, I think you are doing bad journalism, and I need you to do better.
I hear the cries to support local journalism. I do. Local journalism put food on my table growing up. I realise it's not journo pick & choose. But why should I up my subscription from PAYG, as I'd planned, when disabled people are worth so little we don't merit quote or comment?
Further reading in @Emily_Leedham_'s excellent thread:
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