The thing is that conservatives are right to overlook shitty and even criminal personal conduct by their candidate in order to seize control of the executive branch of the US government and judicial appointments.
Thought experiment I use is: what if the election were between Alec Baldwin - an unqualified and detestable person with liberal politics - and Mitt Romney - a statesman and family man who'd appoint conservatives?

I'd vote for Baldwin in a second and not think twice about it.
If you believe public policy has the potential to kill hundreds of thousands of people if you get it wrong, having someone awful who will enact policies you support is vastly preferable to someone great who will get everyone killed.
Conservatives who back Trump aren't being hypocrites or irrational. Frankly I don't really believe that anyone gives a fuck about the President's personal conduct in comparison to the policies they support rather than using it as a flimsy rationalization.
Yes and conservatives are now in control of the federal courts for the next 20 years and seem to be perfectly content with how it's all playing out?
If any liberals actually believe this, it's totally delusional
Gonna take the bait and say that Alec Baldwin would do a much better job of managing the pandemic than Mitt Romney would based on the type of people who would likely be staffing the respective administrations
eh, no. acceleration into full fascism is a bad idea but I'm happy that people are actually making the argument instead of dancing around it
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