America failed Bernie Sanders:

In a time of crisis, with over 10,000 Americans dead from a pandemic, Americans across the country have decided that universal healthcare, free college, ending wars, and workers’ rights are somehow “not doable” even during desperate times
Never mind the fact that these policies are commonplace in the rest of the developed world

The only way you get millions of people to vote against things that will benefit them is with propaganda

America is a propaganda state
I know that sounds odd considering we have freedom of speech, assembly, and the press, but it’s not as free as you think

CNN, MSNBC, NBC, Fox, ABC, New York Times, Washington Post

These corporations report the news, but they have an agenda, and it’s not what you think
As corporations, they have a bottom line: Money. Their priorities are to make money 1st, report the news 2nd. This has nothing to do with where on the political spectrum they stand
As a for-profit corporation, the people who run these news companies live by money being the bottom line. In order to make this easier, many of the parent companies of news networks donate big money to politicians’ campaigns. Why?
Because then the politician will return the favor by passing laws giving these corporations tax breaks and deregulation. Which allows these companies to not raise workers’ wages with inflation, take away pensions, take away paid leave, etc. This is how corruption works
So when Bernie comes around and says he’s sick and tired of the corruption that breeds this insane wealth inequality, news executives and CEOs shake their finger. Bernie is a threat to their insane greed. Their job is to convince Americans that Bernie is wrong
“He’s a communist”
“He’s sexist”
“He’s anti-Semitic”
“He likes authoritarianism”
“HoW aRe YoU gOnNa PaY fOr iT?”
These are all targeted attacks because rich corporatists don’t want the system to change. The system benefits them while 75% of us live paycheck to paycheck
But guess what? It worked. Americans mostly get their political knowledge from the news, and if the news is saying Bernie’s ideas are radical, people will believe it, even though the real reason the news says that is because they’re greedy, not because Bernie is wrong
In the last 40 years, workers have had their rights taken away bit by bit, while those at the top buy politicians in order to do make themselves even richer. The CEO of United doesn’t need $10M/year in personal wealth to run his company while pilots make $35k/year. Period.
The health insurance industry made $70 billion in profit last year. Profit, not revenue. And their only job is deny as much coverage as possible to make the most money. 500,000 Americans go bankrupt and 50,000 die each year from a problem that doesn’t exist in Canada
When politicians, CEOs, and the ultra rich tell people “We can’t afford that” they’re lying. What they really mean is “We can’t afford that without cutting my multi-million dollar salary that I don’t need to get by or run my business”
Bernie’s goal was to end this madness of corporations with limitless growth/profit projections and giving as little money as possible to the working class. His goal was to do what FDR did. America used to be a place where most jobs got you into the middle class
Now we’re a country where 75% live paycheck to paycheck and have less than $500 in savings, and CEOs are richer than ever. But when someone comes along and says “enough is enough”, the media tells everyone “Oh we can’t do that, the poor need to work harder”
But people believe it! It’s propaganda for corporatists and it works.

Congratulations America, Trump is gonna run against the Iraq war voting, sexual assaulting, Glass Steagle repealing, Nafta voting, marijuana fearing, dementia patient Joe Biden

Good. Fucking. Job.
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