hot take: I cannot, in good faith, be mad at any sexual assault survivor that doesn't vote for biden. I can't. in any other situation, I'd be yelling at ANYONE who sits this election out, bc holy shit do I even have to explain? HOWEVER, trauma is a nightmare. (1/?)
(2) anyone who has never experienced PTSD has no right to say "just grit your teeth and do it." PTSD can make you completely freeze. it can make you compulsively avoid anything that reminds you of your trauma. and guess what, THAT INCLUDES SUPPORTING AN ASSAULTER.
(3) telling someone to "just vote for biden" because he's the lesser of two evils is hardly different in my mind to telling them to "just get over it," and y'all can fuck off with that
(4) to any sexual assault survivor who does manage to vote for biden: your sacrifice will not go unnoticed. you've absolutely gone above and beyond, done more than this country should EVER ask of you. and I'm sorry that this is the point we've come to
(5) to any sexual assault survivor who isn't able to vote for biden: I do not blame you. this country NEVER should have put you in that position in the first place and I am infuriated that this is where we are as a country. I am so, so sorry
(6) and to anyone who isn't a survivor: swallow your vomit and vote blue. trump is also an assaulter. biden isn't better, he's just less dangerous. save SCOTUS and every government agency from trump. but be fucking FURIOUS. work on revolution so this shit doesn't happen again
(7) fuck this system. fuck this situation. I am furious and disgusted and heartbroken that this is what we've come to. I've never been so conflicted in my damn life. and I feel physically ill at the thought of casting a vote for biden
(8) tl;dr: we need to get trump the fuck out of office, but if you've been sexually assaulted and your trauma doesn't allow you to vote for an assaulter, I absolutely cannot blame you for that

anyone who doesn't have that trauma, however, has no fucking excuse
(edit to tweet 3): telling someone who is a sexual assault survivor, specifically
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