Some further thoughts:

1. Sector has been talking for weeks about a need for billions. On evidence from @NCVO & others, £750m is not enough money to fill the loss of income. Probably nowhere near.
2. I very much doubt govt will come back with another package. This is it. (1/x)
3. If the £200m for hospices comes out of £360 pot - I admit I am not quite clear on this bit - then that is a small amount for other frontline services to fight for.
4. Design of grants for small charities is crucial. Lottery does not have a reputation for speed & flex (2/x)
5. Big charities are clearly expected to dig deep into their reserves. Govt will say that is what reserves are for. Charities will point out that *if they survive* they will be restarting essential services with no safety net at all
6. Expect to see more furloughing (3/3)
Oh and 7. The chancellor told @bbclaurak that he couldn't save every business "or indeed every charity". The govt acknowledges that some charities are not going to survive corona
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