Me missing the pub, a thread.

These last few days have been a struggle. The other day I shared some photos on Instagram of some photos to illustrate how much I miss the pub. Then I looked again today to cheer myself up and found more!

So here goes....
#EatNorth at @NorthBrewCo should have started this weekend. Save for @NorthBrewTapLDS it is my all time favourite place. So gutted I can’t be there this Saturday!
I miss being able to arrange meet ups with @daisy_turnell and drinking beer from champagne glasses
Then drinking cans of red stripe and dancing like lunatics to Fleetwood Max in Newcastle with @BiancaNE1000 after a session @AnarchyBrewCo dancing to @WeAreChampionUK
As stressful as it can be I miss trips to the pub with the kids
I miss beer festivals. And this will amplify as the sun continues to shine. I love skipping around with my friends trying loads of beer and having a daft laugh (Also kudos to @salfordbeerfest I never take pictures at your festival because IT’S TOO MUCH FUN!)
Loved doing my quiz at @NomadicBeers a few times last year and was hoping to do more. I miss not doing this and generally not hanging out at the brewery with @LeedsBrewster
To that end I miss all my beer friends who I see as much as possible. It’s always eventful and full of smiles and laughter and who doesn’t need that!
And as well as the friends I see regularly I miss the opportunity to meet up with friends I know through beer who don’t live nearby but have become IRL friends
I miss arranging to meet up with my old school friends and dragging them to good beer bars. Talking like we saw each other yesterday when it was actually over a year!
One thing I miss more than anything is gonna to get Jessica from school and our hour together in @NorthBrewTapLDS
Did I mention #EatNorth (I know I did) seriously what is the point of winter if there is no Eat North at the end of it!!
And one thing I miss the most is just the pub. The solitude of it when I need it. It’s my place to reflect. When the noises in my head get too loud it’s where I go to unpack my shit
I did consider writing a blog about this because I find it easier to write when I’m sad but I found it much more cathartic doing this. Thanks for the beers everyone. Can’t wait to beer with you all again real soon!
You can follow @beckyboogaloo.
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