There was zero legitimacy in the Democratic primary. Zero. The DNC manipulated it at every level, then held "elections" in the middle of a pandemic

Now they're trying to coronate Biden without an ounce of democratic legitimacy

Bernie just blew up his leverage by dropping out
At the end of the day, Bernie was weak. It's true everything was rigged against him, from the DNC to the corporate media. But he never defended himself against them

He never attacked the Democratic Party, because he made the decision early on to endorse its candidate—ie, to lose
If Bernie had been serious about winning, he would have had to break with the Democratic Party, attacking the DNC and media

Working-class Americans hate the media and the neoliberal Democratic Party bureaucracy. They deserve nothing but our contempt, not a scintilla of respect
Sure, everything was rigged against Sanders, because the US is not a democracy; it's a capitalist dictatorship run by billionaires. But Bernie had the people behind him

He had to take that leap of faith. But he refused, giving the Democratic Party legitimacy it does not deserve
There are no significant political differences between Trump and Biden. Joe is a demented, predatorial, right-wing war criminal who has supported every war, the racist war on drugs, mass incarceration, war on immigrants, you name it

Bernie campaigning for him is a huge betrayal
Plus, it's likely Biden will step down and the DNC will anoint a younger right-wing neoliberal war hawk (maybe Cuomo?) as its presidential candidate (who will probably lose to Trump)

Then the Democratic Party will prove beyond a doubt it's a mafia with no concern for democracy
Now that Bernie has dropped out, he has no leverage, so there's no excuse to engage with the Democratic Party. It's an implacable enemy of workers, an instrument of billionaire capitalists and warmongering imperialists.

We need a new, actual leftist party, for humanity's sake.
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