Yep Leo children almost always have a gang of people who were excited asf about their birth.

Then as the years go by those same people become less excited by their presence unless they have a *supportive* 4H/Cancer Emphasis
This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. People just move on in their lives, it’s natural.

This is why it’s important for the Leo’s immediate family to never lose touch or lose their personal connection to the Leo.
For myself, my extended relatives (aka ppl who are not parent, sibling or grandparent unless the Gparent isn’t close to you)

Lost excitement abt me as I got older. They love me v much but weren’t as focused on getting to see me if I was around.
My mom is nonchalant abt my presence but my dad goes crazy for it. He desperately wants me to move back home.

When my paternal grandparents were alive they went crazy when I was around 😂 I was rly a celeb.

“JADE IS HERE?!!?? Sound the alarm!!!!”
My siblings crave my presence a lot.

I can go 2 days without speaking to my big sis and she’s like “why haven’t I talked to you??”

My little sister used to go into HYSTERICS when I would have to leave her. She’s 12 now but I think she just does it internally.
My younger Leo brother keeps his affections on the low but he’s always geeked if I say I’m coming home

My youngest Gemini brother has a Cap Moon so I can’t tell if he’s actually excited and keeps it to himself or if he doesnt rly care.
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