spent a lot of time and money trying to elect bernie sanders on behalf of working people and people who were left behind by the system. definitely no regrets. those people were worth fighting for and the fight continues.

just clearly not at a presidential level.
after clinton embarrassed herself by losing to trump in 2016 i hoped against hope we wouldnt find ourselves at this place again. but it is what it is. i found a lot of solace with the allies i made in the aftermath of that defeat and we're only getting stronger.
the thing that hurts is, when i was able to knock on the doors of older latino voters, especially the women who reminded me of my mom/grandmas/aunts, i saw the hope in their eyes of a candidate who FINALLY listened to their needs. bernie dropping out is crushing on that level.
but the generation those empathetic and hardworking people raised have spoken. and they preferred bernie sanders' vision by a massive overwhelming margin and there's only so long you can hold us back. i can never thank bernie sanders enough for showing us what is possible.
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