People are putting all their eggs in a basket that's 5 miles away, meanwhile there's a perfectly good basket right next to them. Here's why people like @benFranklin2018 and @sarahkendzior are reasonable.
While yes, we should support institutions that still are still relatively uncorrupted by the regime, that opportunity has almost left us entirely. This regime has hollowed out, removed those who are "disloyal", and replaced them with loyalists...
...converting institutions, weaking, corrupting them, until they're under his control.

Recently the SCOTUS voted against mail-in voting in some states, around the same time Trump called it "horrible" and "corrupt". This was an open attack on voting rights, and also a heavy one.
It reasonably calls into question the integrity of the presidential election.
So, with that in mind, it is also reasonable to call for action, similar to the actions in Ukraine during 2014, Hong Kong, Puerto Rico, Lebanon, Haiti, etc.
Because those actions have the power to change the "playing field" entirely, and or even it out. Yes, these situations can evolve, and become violent revolutions, like in the Ukraine, but that's not a choice made by the people, not entirely, it is in part a decision made... those in power and their orders of violent repression, or at least them deciding to look away from the violent repression, silently giving their permission.
Now, going back to mass sustained protest, denying or rejecting this relatively nonviolent tool, seriously hinders how effective your opposition can be when it's absolutely necessary.
That is, when a regime begins to rapidly expand and openly oppose the democratic institutions that are left, because they believe they have enough "raw power" to suppress the institutions, and or break free from the checks and balances those institutions have.
The initiation of the expanse, the start of the power grabs is found, when the regime, or those associated closely, announce that the regime, or leader, is chosen by God, or is in some way blessed, and so has a rightful claim to whatever power that helps achieve their goal.
"The will of god" or the will of whatever divine is said to have blessed the leader or regime.
But anyways, this is more reason why immediate action is, was needed, I'm sure if it were taken, especially in the name of the Constitution, for Democracy, and our natural rights, things would have changed.
But as they're basically left to their own vices until we can try and vote against them in an unsecure election, we are all left to suffer, and hundreds of thousands allowed to die.
To bring back the evolution of mass sustained protest into violent revolution, the casualties of such a turn of events would be high, but in comparison to the toll we are seeing, or will see, it would be small.
Yes, human lives are incredibly valuable, but in times of suffering, of great loss of life, of much needed guidance towards a better future, hard decisions must be made. In a time like this, where waiting has caused thousands to die, and possibly hundreds of thousands more...
...the former, mass sustained protest becomes the greatest option for our collective survival and our future prosperity.
And to add, the people or person who makes that hard decision, must be willing to sacrifice their good name, to take the blame for the lives loss, ask weeping families for forgiveness, take care of them,...
and still hold firm to the belief that their decision was indeed the right one.
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