Can't stress enough how systems derive their power from mandates, and that mandates are endowed by legitimizing them via participation.

The only way to disempower an illegitimate system is to strip it of its mandate to govern.
History has shown that the ruling class only makes concessions when its mandate to rule has been challenged and they are frightened by the possibility of what happens if they don't offer concessions.

Incrementalism is not going to save us.
There's nothing even to save.
Or I guess we could all continue participating in the system in which both sides engage in voter suppression, both sides are beholden to the same class interests, and 2 of the last 3 heads of state weren't democratically elected.

Because surely it will change. Someday. Right?
I mean, black people have only been waiting to be granted human rights for 150 years via incrementalism, and it's not like they still are an underclass that is economically segregated and still used as slave labor in an institutionally racist, for-profit justice system, right?
Spoiler: Incrementalism is death cult that will be burying your children, their children, and their children's children.

Happy Wednesday.
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