If you truly don’t think a vote for harm reduction is bunk then take a look at the epicenter of the pandemic and how the leader of this country fucked it up bad. If we had *anyone else* there are many people who would not have died.
Yes, a vote doesn’t change anything significantly but a non vote sure the hell doesn’t do jack shit. If you’re not convinced that HARM REDUCTION is a decent perspective during a pandemic then, well, nothing will...
Trump has had *white supremacists* on his administration. Has had a *white supremacist* write policy. Yes, Biden is bland white bread with old butter but four more years of white supremacy surely is the worse case scenario
Here’s the thing, one of these old white guys will be our president regardless of you choose to vote or not. Your none vote will not change this. But... you can choose *harm reduction* and you can vote against white supremacy.
And don’t retort with ‘DNC is white supremacy blah blah blah* because, yes, it’s a product of White grossness... but Trump is a *PROUD white supremacist*
You’re tired of choosing between the lesser of two evils? Me too... but why the fuck wouldn’t you? People die...

We have two options, got shot in the head or get shot in the foot. If you think those are the same then please re-evaluate how you think of politics
Choosing to abstain and not vote while a literal white supremacist is in office is not really an ethical decision 🤷🏽‍♂️
In conclusion, I’m voting for Supreme Court nomination. I probably will not be a fan of who ever Biden chooses but I’m confident they’ll be better than Kavanaugh 2.0. Seriously, please consider this
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