It's weird how many people tweeting "congrats to Trump" and implicitly saying they won't vote now that Bernie's out seems to understand that 4 years of Trump *is* going to be nightmarish and only make things worse.

You... you are admitting you have the power to stop this.
I don't believe anyone who is saying that there's no difference in outcomes between Biden and Trump. The whole "Now you get Trump for four more years, libs!" thing hinges on Trump being so much worse.
If you can't bring yourself to vote for Biden... I wish you would but I'm not going to sit here and argue with you. It's just super disingenuous to gleefully promote a Trump presidency as a punishment while also claiming that it's no different than a Biden presidency.
You know Trump is worse which is why you're spitefully promoting him as the cure for liberalism.

"Burn everything down to own the libs" wasn't a good song in the original and it's not any better in the cover. And singing it now is an admission that Trump's the one with matches.
I don't want Biden to be president but I care more about who is going to control the Supreme Court and federal judiciary for the rest of my life than I do who is president 2021-2024. I care more about who holds Congress. I care more about what sort of people are put in the CDC.
If a centrist Dem were in office right now, during the coronavirus we would be fighting with them to get universal health care and cash relief, but that's what we would be fighting them on. With Trump, we're not even close to being able to wage that war.
Would I rather have a progressive who would just be calling on Congress to immediately do these things and use the powers of the office to put forth what stopgaps they can until then? Yes, yes absolutely.
But between Trump, who is fluffing his ratings and pushing pharma interests and confiscating supplies and playing Lord of the Manor, and the moderate who simply doesn't go far enough... I'll take the moderate. Not because the moderate is good enough. It's just a better start.
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