Lately, I have been hearing and reading sentiments of too many people expressing that 'I am producing too much negativity on my facebook posts and I must look at good things, positive side'.
Honestly, I really don't understand what is this differentiation between what can be called positive and what negative, things are never binary, and it seems that what is positive to some is negative to others.
What is positive?
Does it mean to only give attention to happy and pleasant aspects, to only use words which signifies happiness?

Your perfectly edited pictures of food is positive but a malnourished child begging is negative? Is this what positive mean?
Or does it mean to never even try be angry or critical of anyone? It also seems that when people become confrontational about anyone, it is deemed to be negative.
So, being positive is to not do any of this?
Or positive here means sharing funny videos but not the videos of young students from universities being beaten up black and blue by police?
Or does it mean to share pictures of cute cats, puppies and babies, or your last vacation? But not about migrants walking barefoot in heat, hungry children, and immense pain being inflected in detention centers?
I believe, this demand/ appeal to be positive is meant to avoid any information that may push you away from the emotional state you want to be in.
If a piece of information confronts you about the amount of privileges you have, you may call it negative, if a piece of information will debunk your assumptions, then you may call it negative.
It is though understandable that there's a natural saturation line for each of us, we cannot take too much bad news everytime, especially today's time,
it's natural we all will have an urging desire to escape or ignore such news but again, it's a sign of our privilege that we believe we can escape bad news, and most of us really ignore it.
In reality, most of us with privileges have no real personal stake in most of the bad news pouring in, and when we escape or ignore bad news, or the fact that we have an option of this escape, or option of avoiding disturbing conversations, is a checkpoint of confirmation that
we are privileged, far away from the real struggle of life out there.

But would avoiding bad news make the world better? Would it reduce the pain and suffering?
Huge number of people don't really have the option of avoiding negative news, they hear it day in and out, news about having not enough food for the day, news of not having enough money for hospital,
news of not having enough money to pay school fee, news of not having enough money to travel back home, news of untimely rain destroying every single piece of crop, news of a father committing suicide because crops failed, all of it is negative for us, but survival for others.
For me, positivity comes from within, you don't have to look for it from outside, it comes from activism, to share stories and tales of people and places most vulnerable, those who are invisible and marginalized.
For me positivity is trying to show a mirror to our society, to say what problems persist, what mistakes we are making, to say that we have had successes but we have failed too, to show my family and friends that there's still pain and agony around us,
which we keep on missing to see. To me positivity is about showing the real side of this world, which is not, for a huge huge number of places a happy palace, but a struggle, a daily struggle filled with pain.
By no means I say that I don't enjoy heartwarming quotes, pictures and videos, by no means I'm asking you to not share those, yes, please share funny videos, photos of your vacations, of the amazing food you cooked or ate. I'll love to see those too,
I am an optimistic person, I crave for joy and try to spread it as much as I can but that won't stop me to say or share things which will show reality completely unfiltered.
No doubts we need encouragement, we need to look at the good things, joyful moments and memories, that will make us laugh and smile, yes share stories that will spread love, peace and harmony. I'm all in for that, while it won't stop me to write things which will shake us a bit,
unsettling us, of our assumptions, of our stereotypes and of our privileges.

There is not one world but 7.5 billion worlds, each of us, with our experiences, understanding makes a small world around us, consisting of our friends, family and loved ones,
we don't have to change all of the 7.5 billion worlds to bring a CHANGE, it can be done by changing ourselves, understanding our privileges, acknowledging the amount of suffering exist around us, and being more empathtic and compassionate
about every single human being on the planet and it cannot be done without reading or sharing or writing what most people call negative.
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