I voted for Bernie. His policies are what we need right now. Those fights take time and a lot of frustrating steps backward in order to move most Americans even a half step forward. Biden sucks. I’ll vote for him. The only other choice is unchecked apocalyptic fascism. https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/1247908569309118464
You don’t just get to have everything you want in politics, and it sucks ass to be back in a space where we have two old establishment gropey white guys as our only options. But swallowing the pill of one who isn’t as bad as the other could mean saving millions of lives.
This isn’t a game anymore, and it’s not a purity performance. Be as angry as you want - I am too! - but don’t fuck over millions of people because progress isn’t moving fast enough for you. We can literally save lives by cutting off GOP rule. Please remember that.
I can’t express to you how sad I am that my choice is now between two old rich sundowning white capitalist establishment rapists. But one will kill a lot more people than the other. That’s our tragic American choice. In the meantime, fight like hell in your local elections.
If you decided in 2016 that you weren’t going to vote because Hillary was “just as bad as Trump,” and you can now look at *gestures broadly at everything* and still come to the same conclusion, you’re not a progressive. You don’t care about people. You’re just an asshole.
Look at the lifetime court appointments Trump has made. Look at the damage that is going to cause vulnerable people for decades. Now imagine four more years of it. That shit matters in real human terms more than any single President, and it doesn’t care about your protest vote.
I fucking hate it too, but look around. We need to take our lumps and grow the fuck up. A lot of vulnerable folks who are not extremely-online white guys need us to do the right thing right now. The revolution can continue in really important places that aren’t the presidency.
And now I’m going to mute this thread and go to the grocery store with a shitty bandana mask on and hope I don’t get a virus because our “just as bad as Hillary” President fired the pandemic response team in 2018, y’all have fun
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