Listening to and watching state Secretaries of State discuss elections on @amprog zoom convening on this topic. @JenaGriswold speaking now. “Our constitutional rights do not stop during a crisis….Mail ballots are the answer.”
Colorado already has voting measures that serve the demands of social distancing.
Now up @JocelynBenson, Secretary of State of Michigan, where voters amended the constitution to permit vote by mail. Need to clearly communicate with voters about how to cast ballots.
CAP’s @SamBerger_DC emphasizes the significance of allowing online and by mail voter registration.
California Sec of State @AlexPadilla4CA picks up on the importance of voter registration to secure truly democratic results for 2020 November elections.
Must have plans for robust in person voting as well as mail-in options. Facilitates same-day voter registration. — @AlexPadilla4CA
Very interesting - @griswold says other states have reached out to Colorado’s election commission to get information about how to implement Colorado’s highly esteemed vote by mail policies.
Michigan sec of state @JocelynBenson has learned best practices from Colorado, California, and others. Example: ballot tracking, to enable reliable vote by mail in which voters can have confidence.
. @JocelynBenson continues: with more than 36 states having some kind of vote by mail system, vendors are already able to fulfill the needs of these systems, and states can simply ask vendors for necessary tools. She also notes that Oregon and Washington have honed vote by mail.
CO sec of state @JenaGriswold “The great thing about mail in ballots is they cannot be hacked.” She’s been describing the technical operational measures that provide security while expanding participation.
My suggestion for @JenaGriswold: please consider publishing op-ed with details about election security measures used with regard to vote by mail. Per @JocelynBenson remarks, this is confidence building.
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