I’m gonna cut off your eulogizing right there: no we are not better for Bernie’s runs neither his first nor his second.

We are not better off that misogyny became standardized on the Left in 2016 and we are not better off with a Left that has openly embraced abuse and cruelty.
Saying otherwise is a fiction to try to win voters. I can understand a Biden saying it but let’s not have those of us who aren’t tasked with winning over the interlopers be following that ahistorical cue.
Hopefully the next iteration of the Left will realize that black voters matter and that we shouldn’t hope for the elderly to die. Hopefully the next iteration won’t devolve to a series of smear campaigns against anyone that stands in their way or call opponents rats and snakes.
We are not closer to any of that because of Bernie, though. Because of Bernie the Left will be politically and morally in the wilderness for longer than it would have been or should have been.

Just as cancer harms the body long after it’s gone, healing from Bernie will be slow.
No eulogies for bad men.
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