ok im gonna try to play soma again wish me luck
it says i havent played in 2 years which is definitely not true
oh hell yeah I forgot it has closed captions. only king games have closed captions
oh I am DEFINITELY not where I remember being
forgetting all the controls to a psychological horror game that has Wandering Monsters was definitely not a good idea
for a horror enthusiast I sure am a fucking pussy
Ι hate those monster bitches I want to do safe mode but I'm too lazy to restart the whole game
I love this game I've spent 3/4ths of my time trying to locate where the fucking monster is
how many of them are there good God
I've been quiet the entire time I've been playing until Just Now when I pulled a lever and an alarm went off and I just went 'Ah.' outloud and promptly proceeded to shove poor Simon into a hole
the realization you fucked up is universal
I will continue tomorrow maybe
soma is just me making a series of bad decisions over and over....
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