Okay great question.

Leo’s who received proper attention as children can handle it well as adults. Less likely to externally behave like a child.

& the Leo’s that didn’t don’t know how to handle it or how to ask for it and they can act out without realizing it https://twitter.com/thegaaal/status/1247914127026241537
In both cases, the Leo person is definitely an attention whore on the inside.

But Leos who got a lot of it during childhood are usually well received by the people around them when they want attention, people aren’t put off by it they just accept it.
The Leo’s who lacked attn as kids have to learn which behaviors will get them positive attn vs negative. They have to learn the difference between wanting a little attn and wanting a reaction

Bc to them, a reaction to their theatrics = I have your full attention
Usually this isn’t a good thing bc they’ll have done something childish so ofc the person is gonna have a blow up reaction.
Lastly, in either case the Leo person needs to be able to direct attention to themselves and provide it for themselves in a consistent manner.

This is how they will be able to develop a healthy self confidence
The best way to do this is by finding a hobby that lets them escape the world and daily tasks for a few hours everyday. This should be a Leo’s time to truly be the star of their own show.

It’s okay to be the only person enjoying your own show. Give yourself an applause.
Leos, I love y’all ♥️
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