When Bernie Sanders talks, people who have never been involved in politics finally hear someone who sounds like them. They know they aren't crazy, it isn't that they just "don't get it," and the process is confusing on purpose. That's why I've been with him in two primaries.
Our presidential history does so little to tell the story of America, because our politics hasn't been reflective of the real lives of working people since our very founding. Bernie Sanders held onto reality enough to acknowledge that as he himself gained access to institutions.
America needs class politics that are anti-racist and pro-immigrant. I'm grateful to live in an era where we want to work intentionally to expand access and diversity in power. It remains important to me that we acknowledge that anti-capitalism itself is much-needed parity.
Bernie Sanders started a movement that is still absolutely at the beginning, nowhere near the end. People who were inspired by Bernie will continue to win in shocking primaries until the rest of the country learns to stop being surprised at what American capitalism has wrought.
I still naively believe that our country doesn't belong to the few who have rigged its rules and bought its control. It's ours. As more of us demand the results of our own labor, our own skills, our dignity, we'll be closer to winning it for the people, for the first time.
Thank you, Bernie. Thank you, Bernie staff. Stay mad.
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