1. COVID Death Stats

Don't fall for the wretched media storm ginned up by unscrupulous players about the COVID death count. COVID death count means "died with COVID19." It does not mean "died only of COVID19." All conditions are listed on "cause of death" form by physician(s).
2. COVID Death Stats

Those who are genuinely dismayed that if a patient dies of a heart attack but also has COVID19 is counted as dying of COVID19, please know that physicians as a matter of course will list both conditions as cause(s) of death.
3. COVID Death Stats

Those who argue that counting someone who dies of a heart attack in COVID death stats just because they also had COVID infection isn't right, please know these stats help hospital administrators, CDC, federal and state planners to better manage the disease.
4. COVID Death Stats

Those who argue that only those COVID deaths should be counted which would not have occurred without COVID, please know that only God can make such a determination with confidence. No human being can determine that, at least not without an extensive autopsy.
5. COVID Death Stats

Those who argue that we should at least be told that how many of the deaths involved other health conditions, please know that the answer to that question is already well known, and it is close to 100%.
6. COVID Death Stats

Healthy people in general don't die of coronavirus. Almost all COVID deaths involve accompanying preexisting conditions. Also, know that the universe of people with preexisting conditions in the U.S. is quite large (50-100 million).
7. COVID Death Stats

Those who argue that COVID death stats are being used by the media for fear-mongering, please know that it is a media problem, not a problem of medical professionals who are doing God's work.
8. COVID Death Stats

Those who argue that without the COVID death stats, we would not have shut down the economy and caused so much additional misery, please know you are wrong. Economy was shut down based on projected deaths, not actual deaths.
9. COVID Death Stats

You may disagree with the policy to shut down the economy, but don't blame the COVID death count stat for the decision. Truth be told, it was only because of the actual COVID death count that modelers were forced to revise their projections downwards.
10. COVID Death Stats

If you think having this data is leading to bad decisions, I guarantee you not having this data will lead to far worse decisions. This data may actually help us reopen the economy soon. Without it, politicians will demagogue us into endless house arrest.
11. COVID Death Stats

Like I said, this data forced modelers to revise their projections downwards. Once this data shows a marked decline in deaths, no force in the world can keep Americans from going back to work. Without it, there would likely be tyranny based on demagoguery.
12. COVID Death Stats

This may not seem like it right now, but the COVID deaths data as currently constituted, is the best friend American public has. It is the unmistakable cudgel with which the American public can confront bad policy decisions head on. This is our ammunition.
13. End of rant.
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