I'm just going to say a few words on this because nobody learned from 2016. This is something that @jonfavs spoke about and I truly feel that it's necessary that people take heed to it. Ready? Here we go.
For Dems, the main goal is to get Trump out of the White House, right? So no matter who you supported that is no longer in the race (be it Sanders, Warren, etc), back the Dem nominee. You might not agree with what their policies are, or like them as a whole, and that's okay.
And come election time, if Biden wins - that means Trump is out. So those of you who don't support Biden, don't like him...challenge the fuck out of him once he's in the White House. Bring your concerns in the same way you have been for the past four years with Trump.
Don't just abandon ship. Continue to fight, continue to speak up. Protest voting has done nothing but put this country and YOUR interests in the hands of an incompetent piece of shit who played golf while he knew Americans were going to end up dying due to a pandemic.
And @sarcasmpucktail is right - you're not just voting for President. You'll be voting for RBG's predecessor. You'll be voting for the people you WANT to be on your side and fight for your best interests and challenge Joe Biden to the fullest.
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