Dear Wolfram,

Regarding the topic of the Man Made River, what we covered was absolutely accurate.

Here's why.

{THREAD} #Libya
1/ The issue was a result of an independent act not sponsored by any particular group. It subsequently evolved into a tribal issue —as tribal tensions in #Libya often tend to explode due to one simple spark.
2/ The Mgarha are a very fragmented tribe that is divided between many households.

So much so that generals from the tribe have been distributed across separate fronts to avoid them butting heads.

This holds true even if what @W_Lacher covered was also accurate.
3/ However, the issue in the South started as a plan to release prisoners in the East and to make BinNayil look bad as people know Rajma does not respond well to anything that affects its image.

This opened an opportunity for different branches of the tribe to act.
4/ For one, the #GNA-appointed mayor (more precisely his household and not him, seeing as he has no real say in anything) utilised it and backed the operation to ensure the release of his prisoners in #Zawiya.
5/ Secondly, some other branches of the tribe are further complicating the matter because it is within their interest to have BinNayil looking weak.

And, as of this morning, another branch has offered to put an end to the situation in exchange for the #GNA mayor being replaced.
6/ The mayor is disliked and not really accepted. Rajma has refrained from changing him as that would create further complications —similar to what we are seeing now.

As ever, when it comes to #Libya, it is important to remember that the situation is constantly evolving.
7/ The problem is a very Libyan problem, meaning it is constantly shifting and has a plethora of dimensions —something you are surely familiar with having covered #Libya so extensively for so long.
8/ As for the #LNA, they’re still figuring out how to approach the matter. They have asked their local affiliates to deal with it ASAP.

Salah al-Fandi & other elders such as Sheikh al-Ghwezee have already openly denounced the closure of the water supply.
9/ @LibyaDesk has verified the above information directly with everyone involved —which is our standard operating procedure be it with the #GNA or #LNA.

We expect to see several statements in the coming hours denouncing the blockade & announcing an operation to end it.
10/ As of right now, this is the information that is available to us. Let us know if you need any further clarification. We will be sure to add it in this thread.
11/ In the future, we would prefer you reach out to us directly if you disagree with us (or if you have any notes or criticisms regarding what we publish), rather than rushing to conclusions or throwing accusations around. Thank you.
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