TW// abuse

idk when this is gonna stop fucking happening to me.
my ex made a key to my house behind my back and I wake up in a panic, half asleep seeing him standing in my bedroom doorway. he tried to apologize and when I was trying to call the police, he hit me. repeatedly.
he proceeded to knock my glasses off my face until they broke and everytime I tried to grab my phone, he pinned me down and tried to calm me down but I was strong enough to get away from him and while crawling to my phone he began kicking me in the head, stomach and back
I have yet to get a restraining order but he is in jail. I don't know for how long though.. he says his uncle is a cop and he said he'll call him, I don't know how he's going to help him for an assault and breaking and entering charge.
I really need help. My best friend came over to help me calm down and keep me company, offered to stay the rest of the day and night too and let me borrow their car even. The nearest district court is 7 miles from me.
their car has literally no gas though. I'm sick to my stomach and terrified for my fucking life. I'm beyond sick of this. broken glasses, bruised eyes and I'm barely able to move without my body aching so bad
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