Pain management in COVID lockdown...

Anyone else finding that they are needing to re-think their pain management strategies whilst in Lockdown?

As life changes so does pain, at least for me. In some ways for me pain is better, in other ways maybe not worse, but different.
There are things I’m learning about my pain through being in a totally different situation to normal that I hope will help me as we return to ‘normal’ living... (eg not carrying my phone or anything else so it doesn’t pick up COVID bugs really does help me walk further)... 2/
.... being more sedentary is not that helpful.... and I need to move more!

Thankfully I have learnt the skills to think through what is happening with my body and hopefully adapt - but I’m conscious that many people living in pain may be finding life more difficult ....
... and not sure how to manage their lockdown situation with the impact it maybe having on pain.... especially if they also experience being ill with COVID....

I’m pretty sure I can’t be alone in experiencing different symptoms?

Are others finding pain in lockdown easier/harder or just different to ‘normal’? I’m hoping for some it will be easier and a useful pain learning experience?

@keith_meldrum @lazybeautiful @loulouscorpio @beejjay @sciatica_uk @tmopain @UnityPhysio
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