Having watched the first Zoom SCOTX argument, I think @blakeahawthorne way of having organized it is very good, and this is an entirely viable way of running oral arguments for all courts (with whatever court specific tweaks are necessary). #AppellateTwitter. 1/
I know other courts have done this before ours, but I watch this Court regularly and know what oral arguments look like, and I'm honestly not sure how much was lost. A little, of course. But enough to change how the case will be adjudicated? I don't think so. 2/
Obviously, SCOTUS is the big fish (I suspect they're just going to wait?) but the state laboratories are working and they've cooked up a solution to the appellate argument problem. It works.
Oh, and as @TWapplaw said before his argument, we *are* all very proud that SCOTX has put such resources into making this work. I know it's a challenge.
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