Easter plans cancelled and wondering how you're going to fill the time? You're not alone. That's why we've put together some sciencey resources for you and your family to get stuck into over the Bank Holiday. Take a look below for some inspiration 👇 #EasterAtHome
If you've not been following STFC's #ScienceAtHome series, you should! From meteors to lasers, there's a new theme every week and all sorts of great activities for kids and adults alike - you'll forget it's educational https://twitter.com/hashtag/STFCScienceAtHometag_click
Nerdy gardener? Ever wondered what your plants' roots look like under the soil? Scientists at Nottingham have been studying just that using CT scanners - and they've built a library of the scans for you to explore. https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/hiddenhalf/home.aspx
If your kids are climbing the walls, Mission X from @StemLearningUK and @ESA could help. It challenges kids to train like an astronaut with fun exercises and log their progress to earn points https://www.stem.org.uk/missionx 
Head into your garden after dark and go for a moth hunt! 🩋This great tool from @UK_CEH tells you what species you’re most likely to find in your area at this time of year https://shiny-apps.ceh.ac.uk/whats_flying_tonight/
Don't forget our #ScienceGame of the week! You can play Ice Flows on your PC or download the app: http://iceflowsgame.com 
Learn about Antarctica with researcher Huw Griffiths @griffiths_huw. Huw did a brilliant livestream lesson last week, great for stealth educating kids or adults. Watch the recording on YouTube:
If recent events have got your kids asking tricky questions about immune systems, @BabrahamInst scientists have released a brilliant children's book called ‘Battle Robots of the Blood’. It's available as a free e-book during the lockdown 📖 https://www.babraham.ac.uk/news/2020/03/childrens-book-battle-robots-blood-launches
Got more ideas? Tell us about them in the comments
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