When a woman bends over backwards for her boss (usually a man), sleeps with the phone under her pillow & jumps to answer his emails & calls, works endless hours to impress him, it's considered driven & inspiring.

But when she cooks, cleans, cares for her husband—she's oppressed.
Let's break down the inevitable "bUt sHe'S eArNiNg A pAyChEcK" response.

Hmm. A woman slaving over work for a man who gives her money & nothing else. That sounds familiar.

A woman who prioritizes her husband & family understands that the reward is worth so much more than money.
No, doesn't mean women should never work. I'm merely observing the strange standard set for women. When we serve men at office, we're heroes. When we serve men at home, we're oppressed.

Women are designed to care for family. Work is important too, but family always first.
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