Things I learnt in my early 20s that i never thought I would in my teens(a thread).
It is okay to have a religion. People need something to keep them going. Being an edgy atheist and shitting on people because of their religion is not only disrespectful but also uncool.
It is okay to work for money because sirf aur sirf passion say pet nahi bhar tha. The world is not an Imtiaz Ali's film. It is totally fine if you do a BTech, it is fine if you are doing a 9-5 corporate job and not running away to start a theatre troupe.
Just because someone is rich,that does not automatically make them spoilt or entitled. Stop taking people at face value.
The world exists for people,not for profits.
Just because a girl wears make-up that doesn't make her a bimbo. Just because you dont like to doll up,that does not automatically make you a smartypants. You are very much like ALL the other girls.
Do not take men seriously. Do not. Just do not. Also,take what old people say with a pinch of salt. What worked for them might and will not necessarily work for you.
Romantic and natal relationships are not the pinnacle of all human relationships. Learn to build,respect and prioritize lasting friendships.
Talking of friendship, DO NOT use or believe in the word "friendzone". Friendship is not a consolation prize. Also,it is totally okay to be friends with your exes. In fact, the people you have dated when you were under the age of 18 are not exes,they are your childhood friends.
Do not be ashamed of your romantic dalliances. Do not be ashamed of the times you wore your heart on your sleeve. Live with it. Own it. To love is to see god.
Do not have a relationship for the sake of having a relationship. Most people are not getting ready for,just stay in your room and masturbate.
Empathy. Have lots of empathy. For the poor,for the sick,for the people who fail. If empathy is not the core of your personality and your politics- maybe you gotta reevaluate the same.
Take all that self righteousness and throw it out of the goddamned window. You are much better without it.
Wokeness is like parallel parking your car. You are never gonna be great at it and you always gotta be super careful while doing it.
Phew. That was some of my important learning over the last four years or so. Thanks for reading!!
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